Is your dog shedding a lot?

Viktoria Bindslev

Is your dog shedding a lot?

One of the few not so fun tasks, us dog owners have to go through is, when the dog starts to shed. As the weather changes, you will experience loose dog hair everywhere, and vacuuming can now become a daily necessity.


Why does the dog shed?

Shedding is a normal process, that our dogs have to go through in order to remove and replace old hair and protect the dog from the weather and dirt. Dogs usually shed an extra amount twice a year – around spring and autumn.


Does all dog breeds shed?

There can be big differences in how much the dog sheds depending on the breed of the dog. For instance, you will find that some breeds loose large amounts of fur, while others shed little or not at all.

The differences in breed is dependent on the development of the strands of hair, which can be divided into 2 phases – the growth phase and the resting phase. 

The growth phase is the phase, when the individual strand of hair has a distinct hair root and does not fall off. In the resting phase, the hair is outgrown, and at the end of this stage, a new hair will push the old hair out of the hair follicle, after which it falls off. This is also why short-haired breeds can shed more than long-haired breeds – since the process from growth to resting phase is faster.

Some breeds do not shed at all. But these breeds benefits from a haircut, and the breeds are often associated with being more hypoallergenic than other dog breeds. The reason for this is that they don't shed. In addition to this, we also have rough-haired breeds, who needs to be trimmed in order to make room for new fur to appear.

As you may be able to read, there are many types of dog fur, which of course need to be cared for differently. To this we recommend, that you seek advice from your breeder, a dog groomer or a veterinarian, so that you get the correct guidance on what's right for your dog.

What can you do to reduce the shedding?

Grooming is of course always important, but especially during the shedding period. And shedding during this period can be reduced. Below, we give you 3 tips for reducing shedding:

1. Brush your dog

Grooming can help reducing the problem. Brushing your dog on a regular basis will help you collect your dog's old hair into one convenient spot instead of them spreading all over the carpet. Brushing the dog will not only remove the loose hair, but also remove dirt in the fur.

2. Give the dog a shower

When the shedding period is at its worst, you can advantageously give the dog a bath. This gives you the opportunity to massage the dog's fur with shampoo and remove the loose hair. It is important that you use a shampoo that is intended for dogs. After rinsing out shampoo, it is important to rinse the fur thoroughly, as soap residues can cause irritation and itching in the skin.

After this, you dry the dog with a towel or put on an absorbent drying rope. Brush the dog after the bath to get more of the loose hair away.

3. Make sure the dog gets the right diet

The dog's diet can also have an impact on shedding. Through the dog's feed, it gets the nutrients it needs to maintain the body and fur. In addition, it may be a good idea to add omega fatty acids to the dog's diet. You can also seek advice from a dog nutritionist, who can carry out a feed check on your four-legged friend.

Could there be other reasons to why the dog sheds?

Shedding can also be a symptom of stress, allergies, disease or hormonal imbalances. If there are suddens changes in the fur, you may nede to have the dog examined by the veterinarian.

When female dogs are in heat, they might shed a lot during that period. If you suspect stress, you can seek advice from a behavioral therapist, who can help you make a plan to get the dog back on track.